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Office 365 Backup

Office 365 Backup

Why do I need to back up my Office 365 data? Microsoft only replicates your Office 365 data within their data centres and will only keep messages in the deleted items folder for up to 30 days by default. Should you accidentally delete a message from this folder, or if...

Securing the Remote Worker

Securing the Remote Worker

As we continue to see a significant increase in companies advising employees to work from home due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, I wanted to reach out with important steps you can take to provide secure remote work access to your staff. Even if you are...

How Microsoft Teams is Changing the Workplace

How Microsoft Teams is Changing the Workplace

Owing to the current pandemic, Microsoft recently revealed that the use of Microsoft Teams has hugely increased. 32 million of us used Teams daily with that figure jumping to 44 million users in just one week. More companies and employees are realising the benefits of...

Top Tips for Managing Your Remote Team

Top Tips for Managing Your Remote Team

Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures. As we're living in a time where everything is up in the air, many companies have had to resort to taking an alternative workflow to keep their businesses afloat. Remote working, a perk that was usually only offered...

Working from Home

Working from Home

When the alarm goes off on a Monday morning, how many of us wish we could work from home? We’ve all thought about it but in current times, this is a reality for most of us. If we aren’t set up technologically or we aren’t used to working from our homes, this can be...

Advanced Partner

Advanced Partner

Advanced strengthens TruePartner network with 4S Systems Limited New reseller channels energy on moving SMEs to the CloudFebruary 2020 – 4S Systems Limited has announced that it has joined the Advanced partner programme – TruePartner. The appointment underpins its...

How secure is your email?

How secure is your email?

A multi-layered approach to email security that blocks threats other solutions miss The key to your Office 365 environment is to take a layered security approach. While Office 365’s native security features catch most mass spam waves and known threats, they don’t...

Outsource or In-house?

Outsource or In-house?

IT is essential to the operation of most businesses and when it is out of action what do you do? In this situation who do you call? Some organisations have in-house support personnel and some decided to work with an outsource IT company or even a hybrid of the two....

What is Agile working and how does technology make it easier?

What is Agile working and how does technology make it easier?

The other day whilst on the train travelling to see a client, I bumped into an old friend of mine, after the obligatory “how are you and how are the family” he mentioned that he had started a new job and he now enjoys “Martini working”. I asked what he meant by this...