Always Test your Device and Software before the Online Meeting
Before conducting or attending a meeting ensure that you have setup your device in a space that has a neutral background. Then test your video and make sure that you are happy with how it looks. Next, test the sound and set the volume to a suitable volume. Most importantly, you need to ensure that you have received a meeting link way in advance of the meeting. All software that connects you to the online meeting should also be checked in advance to ensure you that it works correctly.
Dress Professionally
Choosing what you should wear to an online meeting is sometimes a difficult one. It is best to choose a professional look that represents the type of meeting that is to be held online. If it is a high level meeting, then a more professional look should be followed. If it is a more informal day-to-day meeting, then a more relaxed look that is still professional should be followed.
Be On Time
It is best to arrive early for any online meeting as suggested above as it will allow you time to check your device and software settings to ensure that you are able to join the meeting. Never be late for an online meeting as it will disrupt the dynamics of the online meeting and it will show disrespect. Always log into the meeting on time and if possible a few minutes earlier.
Put your Smartphone away
During an online meeting it is best to put your Smartphone away. This will ensure that no distractions will occur during your online meeting. It is also unprofessional as well as bad etiquette. If it is a long meeting then all notifications and emails should be checked during breaks instead. If you are waiting for an important message or call then you should communicate this to all your colleagues at the very beginning of the meeting and leave the meeting for a quick break if and only if it is necessary.
Prepare an agenda
To successfully conduct an online meeting, ensure that you have prepared an agenda in advance. This could be sent out to participants before the meeting begins so that everyone can come prepared or it can be presented at the start of the meeting. This will allow all participants, including the organiser, a clear outline as to what discussions need to take place and what outcomes need to be achieved.
Maintain Professionalism throughout the Meeting
By ensuring that you maintain professionalism throughout the meeting, you will no doubt show respect for your colleagues and ensure that the meeting is more productive. This means that you need to stay focused without disruptions such as typing on your keyboard during the online meeting, notifications from your smartphone or conducting other tasks during the meeting. A clear sign that you are interested in the meeting and focused on the task at hand includes maintaining eye contact at all times. It is also important that you don’t interrupt others while they are talking rather wait for your turn to speak.
Set time aside for Questions
To get the best result from online meetings, it is important to set time aside for questions. Question time can occur after each agenda topic or it can occur at the end of the meeting. This will allow all participants to have their say and resolve any issues that they may have. A successful online meeting can only occur if everyone has participated and discussed the issues that they are concerned about. This also fosters team building and will lead to more productive meetings in the future.
For more information and an obligation free discussion about how 4s Systems can help you implement the technology needed for Remote Working from home please call us now on 0203 92 66 999 or click here